Baltimore Music Company is proud to offer Music Therapy Sessions facilitated by Meagan Hughes!
Meagan Hughes is a Licensed Professional Music Therapist with over 15 years of experience in academic, clinical, and community settings in the U.S. and internationally. She has a BM in Music Therapy (University of Minnesota) and an MA in Musicology (University of Amsterdam). Following her clinical music therapy training at Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital and Clinics at the University of California in San Francisco, she served as a MusicianCorps Fellow for the Center for Music National Service and later worked for the international non-profit Musicians Without Borders. In addition to voice, piano, and guitar, Meagan has studied West African percussion for over 15 years and currently performs with the Bele Bele Rhythm Collective in Washington D.C.
Meagan Hughes
- Pricing -
$35 per 30-minutes

What is Music Therapy?
Music Therapy is the clinical and research-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a licensed professional.
How Does Music Therapy Work?
Music Therapy can vary in its approach and use, and include both active and receptive methods. Practices in Music Therapy can be as simple as listening to your favorite songs, or more complex with hands-on playing, and composition.
How Can Music Therapy Help Me?
Credentialed Music Therapists work with people with mild to severe health needs, as well as those with cognitive or physical disabilities. These can include, but are not limited to, ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, or people affected by traumatic brain injuries, anxiety, or depression.
How Do I Get Started with Music Therapy?
Fill out the form below to schedule a Music Therapy consultation
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Music Therapy FAQ
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